Source code for pathlib_mate.mate_tool_box_zip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provide zip related functions.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, List, Union
import os
import random
import string
from datetime import datetime
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED

from .mate_path_filters import all_true
from .helper import repr_data_size

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .pathlib2 import Path

alpha_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits

[docs]def rand_str(length): """ :type length: int :rtype: str """ return "".join([random.choice(alpha_digits) for _ in range(length)])
[docs]class ToolBoxZip(object): """ Provide zip related functions. """ def _default_zip_dst(self): """ automatically create destination zip file ``Path`` object. :type self: Path :rtype: Path """ new_basename = "{}-{}-{}.zip".format( self.basename,"%Y-%m-%d-%Hh-%Mm-%Ss"), rand_str(4), ) return self.change(new_basename=new_basename)
[docs] def make_zip_archive( self, dst=None, filters=all_true, compress=True, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, include_dir=True, verbose=False, ): """ Make a zip archive of a directory or a file. :type self: Path :type dst: Optional[Union[Path, str]] :param dst: output file path. if not given, will be automatically assigned. :type filters: typing.Callable :param filters: custom path filter. By default it allows any file. :type compress: bool :param compress: compress or not. :type verbose: bool :param overwrite: overwrite exists or not. :type makedirs: bool :param makedirs: if True, automatically create the parent dir if not exists :type include_dir: bool :param include_dir: if True, then you will see the source dir when you unzip it. It only apply when zipping a directory :type verbose: bool :param verbose: display log or not. """ self.assert_exists() if dst is None: dst = self._default_zip_dst() else: dst = self.change(new_abspath=dst) if not dst.basename.lower().endswith(".zip"): raise ValueError("zip archive name has to be endswith '.zip'!") if dst.exists(): if not overwrite: raise IOError("'%s' already exists!" % dst) if compress: compression = ZIP_DEFLATED else: compression = ZIP_STORED if not dst.parent.exists(): if makedirs: # pragma: no cover os.makedirs(dst.parent.abspath) if verbose: msg = "Making zip archive for '%s' ..." % self print(msg) if self.is_dir(): total_size = 0 selected = list() for p in self.glob("**/*"): if filters(p): selected.append(p) total_size += p.size if verbose: msg = "Got {} files, total size is {}, compressing ...".format( len(selected), repr_data_size(total_size), ) print(msg) with ZipFile(dst.abspath, "w", compression) as f: if include_dir: relpath_root = self.parent else: relpath_root = self for p in selected: relpath = p.relative_to(relpath_root).__str__() f.write(p.abspath, relpath) elif self.is_file(): with ZipFile(dst.abspath, "w", compression) as f: f.write(self.abspath, self.basename) if verbose: msg = "Complete! Archive size is {}.".format(dst.size_in_text) print(msg)
[docs] def backup( self, dst=None, ignore=None, ignore_ext=None, ignore_pattern=None, ignore_size_smaller_than=None, ignore_size_larger_than=None, case_sensitive=False, include_dir=True, verbose=True, ): # pragma: no cover """ Create a compressed zip archive backup for a directory. :type self: Path :type dst: Optional[Union[Path, str]] :param dst: the output file path. :type ignore: Optional[List[str]] :param ignore: file or directory defined in this list will be ignored. :type ignore_ext: Optional[List[str]] :param ignore_ext: file with extensions defined in this list will be ignored. :type ignore_pattern: Optional[List[str]] :param ignore_pattern: any file or directory that contains this pattern will be ignored. :type ignore_size_smaller_than: int :param ignore_size_smaller_than: any file size smaller than this will be ignored. :type ignore_size_larger_than: int :param ignore_size_larger_than: any file size larger than this will be ignored. :type case_sensitive: bool :param case_sensitive: if True, the ignore rules are case sensitive :type include_dir: bool :param include_dir: if True, then you will see the source dir when you unzip it. It only apply when zipping a directory :type verbose: bool :param verbose: display log or not. **中文文档** 为一个目录创建一个备份压缩包。可以通过过滤器选择你要备份的文件。 """ def preprocess_arg(arg): # pragma: no cover if arg is None: return [] if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)): return list(arg) else: return [ arg, ] ignore = preprocess_arg(ignore) for i in ignore: if i.startswith("/") or i.startswith("\\"): raise ValueError ignore_ext = preprocess_arg(ignore_ext) for ext in ignore_ext: if not ext.startswith("."): raise ValueError ignore_pattern = preprocess_arg(ignore_pattern) if case_sensitive: pass else: ignore = [i.lower() for i in ignore] ignore_ext = [i.lower() for i in ignore_ext] ignore_pattern = [i.lower() for i in ignore_pattern] def filters(p): relpath = p.relative_to(self).abspath if not case_sensitive: relpath = relpath.lower() # ignore for i in ignore: if relpath.startswith(i): return False # ignore_ext if case_sensitive: ext = p.ext else: ext = p.ext.lower() if ext in ignore_ext: return False # ignore_pattern for pattern in ignore_pattern: if pattern in relpath: return False # ignore_size_smaller_than if ignore_size_smaller_than: if p.size < ignore_size_smaller_than: return False # ignore_size_larger_than if ignore_size_larger_than: if p.size > ignore_size_larger_than: return False return True self.make_zip_archive( dst=dst, filters=filters, compress=True, overwrite=False, include_dir=include_dir, verbose=verbose, )